Automachron 5.001

Free SNTP client to synchronize your computers time with a NTP server
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Latest version:
5.001 See all
One Guy Coding
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Automachron (pron. like automaton) is a freeware SNTP client - Simple Network Time Protocol - for synchronizing your computer's time with an NTP server. Automachron works under Win95/98 and Win NT4. Automachron supports SNTP as well as TIME (currently only UDP has been implemented) for synchronizing time over the internet. Automachron is much less intrusive than its predecessor Netdate.

Comments (4)


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rating Fred Genius
I love it. Been using Automachron for many years - now having problems with Windows 8, works but won't actually set the time, and Windows 10 won't auto-start.

Nov 8, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Aisland
Hello, I am an engineer in China. Now, I am developing a project and need the source code of Automachron. If you can, please send it to my email address. Thank you very much.

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I am still using Automacron!

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